In this first half of chapter 11 John gives us a snapshot of what the church is busy doing during the time between Jesus' ascension to Heaven and His final return to reconcile all things to himself. We are called to witness to the world that did not respond to the previous 6 Trumpets (sufferings) and the warnings to repent. With these warnings that God is bringing He wants us to proclaim the Gospel to those who have not surrendered to Christ. We must not be too busy with life to be about the Lord's work?
Before the seventh trumpet sounds, a mighty angel descends with a little scroll, proclaiming, “There will be no more delay!” John is then commanded to eat the scroll, which tastes sweet but turns his stomach sour, signifying that God’s Word brings comfort, conviction, joy, and judgment. Revelation 10 invites us to humbly trust God’s sovereign timing, boldly share His truth, and patiently await the fulfillment of His perfect plan.
Revelation 9 presents a terrifying vision of judgment as demonic forces are unleashed upon the earth, bringing torment and destruction. Yet, despite overwhelming suffering, many refuse to repent, clinging to their idolatry and sin. This passage reveals that judgment alone does not soften hardened hearts; it also serves as a wake-up call—a final plea for repentance before the ultimate end. It urges us to examine our own hearts and turn to Christ while there is still time. Rather than resisting God’s warnings, we must respond in faith, living as those sealed by His grace.
Have you ever felt the weighty hush that precedes something monumental? In Revelation 8, the Lamb opens the seventh seal, and for a moment, heaven itself stands still. Then, like thunder following a storm’s calm, angels sound their trumpets, unleashing judgments that shake the earth, sea, and sky. Yet, even amid these awe-inspiring events, the prayers of God’s people ascend like incense before His throne—a powerful reminder that no cry goes unheard. Join us this week as we explore the sacred silence that reveals God’s holiness, justice, and the sustaining hope we find in His mercy.
Years ago, when I told some friends I was going to preach about heaven, one said, “I’m not sure we need a sermon series on that. We know it will be wonderful and that’s enough.” Well, no, actually it’s not enough because God has revealed more. Revelation 7 is one of my favorite glimpses of heaven and it will be my privilege to preach on this extraordinary, vivid chapter.
Revelation 6 as the Lamb opens the seals and brings forth a series of cataclysmic events. The four horsemen—conquest, war, famine, and death—serve as sobering reminders of our world’s brokenness and the harsh reality of judgment. We’ll hear the desperate cries of martyrs, the cosmic upheaval shaking the heavens, and humanity trembling before the Lamb’s wrath. Yet amidst all this intensity, we uncover a powerful truth: Jesus, the Lamb, is firmly in control. Although the imagery is unsettling, it directs us toward the ultimate hope of God’s righteousness prevailing.
This message explores the majesty of a Savior who, through His sacrifice, holds the scroll of our lives in His nail-scarred hands. We see how His reign offers hope in the face of life's uncertainties, calling every creature in heaven and on earth to worship and empowering us to live with renewed courage under the authority of our worthy King.
In Revelation 4:1-11, where John sees God seated in glory, ruling over all creation. Lightning flashes, thunder roars, and heavenly beings cry out, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty” (v. 8). The elders fall before Him, laying down their crowns, declaring, “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power” (v. 11). This passage reminds us that worship is the heartbeat of heaven. When we recognize God’s sovereignty, our response should be surrender and praise. As we gather, let’s open our eyes to see the One who reigns forever!
In Revelation 2:18 – 3:22 Jesus speaks to the churches in Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, & Laodicea. We'll continue to see Jesus walking among His churches, challenging us where we sin & compromise, waking us up, opening our eyes to our need for Him, as well as encouraging us as our strength weakens. In every situation he gives us a fresh revelation of himself & calls us back to Him.
In Revelation 2:1-17, Jesus speaks to the churches in Ephesus, Smyrna, and Pergamum. As we explore this passage, we'll see Jesus as the One who walks among His churches, knowing our struggles and drawing us to faithfulness. His promises remind us that every challenge we face is an opportunity to overcome through His strength, and His reward is greater than anything this world can offer.