Can I Get a Witness?

Can I Get a Witness?

Passage: Revelation 11:1-19


Guest speaker Tom Douglas

Can I get a Witness?   Rev. 11:1-14

Introduction:  Movie Vantage Point and other considerations

Meta-narrative of Scripture: God wins the war of good vs. evil through Christ!

God has been carefully bringing about His plans

God has used suffering to His intentions from the very beginning (see Genesis 3:16)

"Pause" briefly takes the focus off of the unrepentant and onto God's People

Key Idea:  Do what you see Jesus doing... right now!

  1. The Temple (vv. 1-2)
  • Measuring Rod - inner and outer courts
  • There are 2 Deaths
  • 42mos./1260 days/3.5 years - Desert wanderings, Elijah drought, Daniel tribulation
  • 2 Peter 3:8 - a day is like a thousand years
  1. Preach It! (vv. 3-6)
  • 2 Witnesses - OT requirement in court for testimony to be credible
  • Fire and Blood - Think Moses and Elijah
  1. The Results are In! (vv.7-14)
  • First Death only
  • Enemy Celebration
  • Final Judgment is on the way!!!

So What?

  1. Rest assured that we are in the last days…what does that mean for you?
  2. Our job is to preach to an unrepentant world JUST LIKE Jesus!  (See John 10:8-11)
  3. Where and to whom are you sharing your faith? If not, why not?
  4. Victory through suffering…how are you preparing for this?








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