In this first half of chapter 11 John gives us a snapshot of what the church is busy doing during the time between Jesus' ascension to Heaven and His final return to reconcile all things to himself. We are called to witness to the world that did not respond to the previous 6 Trumpets (sufferings) and the warnings to repent. With these warnings that God is bringing He wants us to proclaim the Gospel to those who have not surrendered to Christ. We must not be too busy with life to be about the Lord's work?
The lack of justice, evil and agony we experience in this world is not the last word on our suffering. Habakkuk has demonstrated the value of lament for us as followers of Christ. Throughout the first two chapters we have learned that even in what seems to be a desperate situation -- God is working His plan! Now that Habakkuk has heard definitively from the Lord that suffering is inevitable, we will see the next critical step when we lament.